In Unsurprising Yet Adorable News, The Rock’s Dog, Hobbs, Works Out With Him

Actor Dwayne Johnson clearly works out 一 I mean, his nickname is The Rock 一 but did you know his French bulldog, Hobbs, exercises with him? Yep, it’s officially true (ish) and adorable! While Hobbs apparently isn’t into walking, some of The Rock’s Instagram pictures show Hobbs playing with the weights or just hanging out at the gym. Hobbs is definitely learning from the best!

When Hobbs isn’t at the gym, you can catch him acting with The Rock. The two starred in Hobbs and Shaw

 together back in 2019, in which The Rock came to work on his off days to support his canine friend. How cute!

Considering The Rock’s attractiveness and Hobbs’s precious face, the two make a lovable pair we’ll be thinking about for days. See all their adorable pictures ahead!

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