Mother Cat Adopts Four Orphaned Squirrels, Showering Them with Unconditional Love

This is the story of a mother cat who adopted four baby squirrels after they were orphaned and abandoned to their fate, writes kingdomstv. Pusha, the mother cat, feeds and…

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Record-Breaking Discovery: 125-Year-Old Lake Sturgeon, the Largest Caught in the US and Oldest Freshwater Fish Globally

  YOU MAY LIKE DNR fishing team tagging record-breaking sturgeon at Shawano Dam. The fish was then released to allow it to finish its spawning cycle. Image credit: Wisconsin Department…

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Monkey Adopts Kitten, Showering Him with Unconditional Love as His Own Offspring

Si estos dos amigos son una indicación, los mejores amigos vienen en todas las formas, tamaños y presumiblemente especies. El Santuario del Bosque Sagrado de los Monos, conocido popularmente como…

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Giant Rat Fearlessly Roams Among Crocodiles: A Display of Remarkable Confidence and Survival Skills

Un video que grabó la imagen de un conejillo de Indias bebiendo agua cómodamente entre cientos de cocodrilos ha llamado la atención de muchas personas. Extrañamente, entre estos depredadores notoriamente…

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Service Dog Earns Honorary Diploma for Dedication in Helping Owner Through College

It’s graduation season once more, and many deserving students are receiving their diplomas and celebrating years of hard work. But among the graduates at Seton Hall University was an unexpected…

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14 Fascinating Facts About Parrots: From Singing Talents to Long Lifespans

A scarlet macaw Travis Isaacs via Wikimedia under CC By-SA 2.0 After dogs, cats and fish, birds are America’s fourth favorite pet. Over 7.5 million pet birds live in households…

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Boy has a “special bond” with a huge pet python

El niño tiene un ‘vínculo especial’ con la mascota pitón Pueblo cautivado por un niño de 7 años que duerme la siesta y se acurruca con la pitón de 16…

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Explore the 30 Winning Entries of the 2020 Close-Up Photography Contest

Los Close-Up Photography Awards que celebran y exhiben close-up, macro y microfotografía, acaban de anunciar a sus ganadores y finalistas. El premio general al Fotógrafo de primeros planos del año…

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Unveiling Nature’s Rarity: 33+ Stunning Photos of Albino Animals

Albinism is a genetic condition that affects many animal species, including humans. This condition results in the absence of melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair,…

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Discovering Fascinating Facts About the Most Beautiful Birds in the World

Animals often struggle to recover from the death of their owner. They are upset and sometimes sink into a form of depression. Rambo , too, was shaken by the disappearance of his master…

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